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Audrina's Blog: The Girl Gamer in Me

I was never much of a gamer, but there are so many new variety of games that cater to a bigger audience that there's one for everyone! Lately, I've been sorta into video games! I wish there were more hours in the day so I can get everything I need to do done and play games!

Awhile back, I went to the DJ Hero launch party. It was a lot of fun! But I didn't know then that I would get hooked! I’m addicted to DJ Hero! I also love rocking out to Guitar Hero and Rock Band! So much fun! I don't get to play very often. It's usually in a social setting – and I that's part of why I like it so much – winning and losing with friends, sharing the moment!

Sometimes I'm super focused into the game, especially with Super Mario Brothers on the Wii! I played until my thumbs hurt, and my eyes were dry! I'm so obsessed! That game is amazing!

I don't play as much as I want to, but when I do, I'm going to give it my all! Do you play games? What game are you obsessed over?
