Montag- speaking to E.T. - said of the surgeries: "It's not who I am. It's something I did. It was a choice that I made, and I wanted other women and people to know, 'yeah, I have insecurities and so does everyone, and this is what I did, and I don't want to lie about it, and I don't want to cover it up. I don't like lying. It's just not who I am. In retrospect, I do wish I never would have said anything..."
When she was asked if she was happy with the after-result of her surgeries, Heidi said: "I wouldn't do it again... If I could go back, I'd wouldn't have had them..."
"It was a lot harder than I was led on by my doctor... I didn't know how excessive it really was.. and to the extent a lot of stuff."
"It was a lot .. it was a lot.. and I'm very thankful for how it turned out... It could have been disastrous." Could have been? Does Heidi not have a mirror?
Montag underwent ten surgeries in a single day last November. She had her breast implants increased to DDDs, a brow lift, a nose job revision, lipo on her stomach and thighs and a butt augmentation, among other things.
Montag has said she regrets one of the surgeries in particular - getting extreme breast implants. This past August, she said, in the wake of Ryan's death in a tragic car accident, she was looking for a new doctor to perform the procedure to reduce her breast size to a D or double D.
Montag has said the procedures have caused her excessive pain - both mentally and physically.
Credit: Radar Online