To show my devotion to Twilight, yes I read all the books and am just as big of a fan as the “twi-hard” 13yr old girls, I was Rosalie Cullen for Halloween this year. Now, I need to set the record straight Alice Cullen is totally my favorite vampire, not Rosalie, but wigs are so itchy and since I already have blonde hair I decided it would be easier to be Rosalie.. ok I feel a lot better haha.

I got a baseball tee, hoodie and hat from
amazon.com that all said “Team Cullen” and I wore vampire fangs that I ordered from Vampfangs.com. You guys remember the basball game scene in Twilight right?! It was like the coolest scene in the whole movie, c’mon!!

Well Rosalie in her baseball uniform made it a super easy halloween aka I got to wear running shoes instead of heels! Enjoy the pictures! I hope I dont scare you guys… because I know… I seriously look like a real vampire!! hehe